Speciea / Varieties

What Is the Difference Between Robusta vs Arabica Coffee Beans?

Comparing Arabica vs Robusta coffee is a great place to start if you’re exploring the stories behind different coffee bean varieties. These two names for types of coffee account for the vast majority of the world’s coffee. 

Although there are more than 130 subspecies of the Coffea plant, Coffea arabica (known as Arabica) and Coffea canephora (known as Robusta) are by far the most ubiquitous. Arabica coffee makes up approximately 60% of the world’s coffee; Robusta makes up roughly the other 40%. 

Comparing Arabica vs Robusta coffee is a great place to start if you’re exploring the stories behind different coffee bean varieties. These two names for types of coffee account for the vast majority of the world’s coffee. 

Although there are more than 130 subspecies of the Coffea plant, Coffea arabica (known as Arabica) and Coffea canephora (known as Robusta) are by far the most ubiquitous. Arabica coffee makes up approximately 60% of the world’s coffee; Robusta makes up roughly the other 40%. 

Lesser-known varieties like Liberica and Excelsa are growing in popularity because they’re able to grow in terroirs affected by climate change. And, as more people develop a taste for other varieties, the demand for them naturally increases. That said, they’re still quite rare.

When comparing Robusta vs Arabica beans, it’s worth noting that both species also have their own unique varietals, or variations. For example, Typica, Caturra, and Bourbon are varietals of Arabica, and Conillon, Nganda, and Robusta 2 are varietals of Robusta. 

In this guide, we’re only going to focus on Arabica and Robusta as a whole, as one could write a novel about the many variations of just those two species alone! What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta beans? Read on to find out.

1. Origin

The differences between Arabica vs Robusta coffee are heavily influenced by regional conditions and farming practices, so let’s start at the beginning of the bean’s journey. Both species are grown all over the globe, but there are specific regions that are especially famous for producing certain varieties. 

Here’s a breakdown of Robusta vs Arabica beans based on where they’re typically grown. 

Arabica Regions

The Arabica species is native to Ethiopia. Brazil is the number one Arabica coffee grower and exporter. 

Arabica beans are also grown throughout Africa (especially in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Kenya), Asia (especially in India, Indonesia, Sulawesi, and Sumatra), and Central and South America (especially in Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Colombia).

Robusta Regions

The Robusta species is native to Central and West Africa. Vietnam is the number one Robusta coffee grower and exporter—90% of the coffee from Vietnam is of the Robusta variety. 

Robusta beans are also grown throughout Brazil, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Côte d'Ivoire, and Uganda, among many other countries around the world.

2. Growing Conditions

Coffee cherries on a branch in the sunlight

When comparing Robusta vs Arabica beans, it’s also important to consider their ideal growing conditions. Naturally, the plants thrive in certain countries largely because of their environments.

Arabica Growing Conditions

Arabica coffee plants grow best in tropical and subtropical locations with high humidity, rich soil, and high altitudes (around 3,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level). The plants prefer warmer temperatures (64°–70°F) and bright, indirect sunlight. It’s also important to shield them from harsh winds. 

The plants tend to thrive in mountainous regions, especially forests that have trees that provide shade from the sun and protection from the elements. One difference between Arabica vs Robusta coffee is that Arabica plants are delicate and require more upkeep than Robusta plants. That’s why if you compare the average price of Robusta vs Arabica beans, Arabica beans tend to be more expensive.

Robusta Growing Conditions

Robusta plants are hardy and can tolerate a broader range of climates than Arabica plants. They thrive in areas with lower altitudes (preferably between 600 and 2,400 feet below sea level) with temperatures around 70°F. They need around 1500-3000mm of annual rainfall and prefer loamy, well-drained soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. 

Robusta plants can tolerate full sunlight and are more resistant to pests and diseases than Arabica plants. However, they’re not typically as resilient as exceptionally hardy varieties such as Liberica and Excelsa.

3. Flavor Profiles

Now that you have a fundamental understanding of their growing regions and conditions, let’s discuss the flavor differences between Robusta vs Arabica beans.

Arabica Flavor Profile

Arabica coffee has the classic flavor and aroma most Western coffee enthusiasts picture when thinking about coffee. It’s accessible to the palate, and the well-rounded taste is typically mild, smooth, and slightly sweet. Common tasting notes include notes of chocolate, caramel, nuts, and fruit. 

Robusta Flavor Profile

True to its title, Robusta coffee has a robust flavor profile that’s deep, dark, earthy, and complex. When contrasting the flavor of Arabica vs Robusta coffee, Robusta tends to be more appealing to adventurous palates, as the taste can be quite strong, and in some cases, even harsh. Common tasting notes include dark chocolate, caramel, nuts, whiskey, and dark stone fruits. However, with some tweaks at the farm level, many farmers are starting to notice more flavorful robusta yields.

4. Roasting Style

A close-up of roasted coffee beans in a roasting machine

Finally, let’s compare the typical roasting styles of Robusta vs Arabica beans. What is the difference between Arabica and Robusta roasts? It’s important to note that both varieties can be roasted light, medium, dark, or somewhere in between. However, there are roasting styles that fit each variety especially well.

Arabica Roasting Style

Arabica’s flavor is balanced and well-rounded, so its versatility also extends to its roasting styles. A medium roast tends to be most common, as it provides an excellent middle-of-the-road balance between the bright taste of light roasts and the deep, robust taste of dark roasts. However, Arabica beans can handle both light and dark roasts just fine.

Robusta Roasting Style

As you compare Robusta vs Arabica beans, don’t overlook the beans’ roast when tasting for the first time. A Robusta coffee with a dark roast can really amplify those potent flavors, so you may find that a lighter roast makes the Robusta variety more palatable. That said, those who love Robusta coffee often seek out that deep, dark flavor, so it’s no surprise that medium to dark roasts are most common.

Experience Farm-to-Cup Coffee

We hope this guide is insightful as you explore the differences between Arabica vs Robusta coffee! In order to fully experience the nuances of each variety, make sure you drink coffee made from high-quality beans. Properly comparing Robusta vs Arabica beans requires that you start with coffees that truly embody its species’ unique characteristics.

Here at Ebru Coffee, we only offer the finest hand-picked specialty coffee beans, ethically and sustainably sourced from all around the world. Our single-origin coffees beautifully showcase flavor subtleties that are easy to overlook. 

Whether you’re looking to try something new or find a better version of your go-to, you’ve come to the right place. We’re passionate about coffee culture, and our goal is to be a resource where you can learn about coffee and purchase the best of the best. Shop now to find your new favorite coffee!

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